Our regular readers might recall that, last summer, we put together a post on our blog about domestic CCTV kits.

The gist was that, for such an effective product, usage in UK homes is rare.

Despite detailed research suggesting that properties that have an effective CCTV system are 90% less likely to be burgled, the team at Which? discovered that just 5% of householders use cameras to protect their homes.
Since reading these figures, we’ve been determined to do something about this.

It’s a pleasure to report that our latest line is the ABUS Plug and Play range, which w’re delighted to make available to our customers and clients.

Like all our products, there are different options to meet specific needs. Time-lapse cameras. Network cameras. Wireless Video Door Intercom. Digital Door Viewer. Ther’s a 7” Home Video Set Touch & App kit and a 3.5” Home Video Set.

Not sure which system YOU need? That’s what we’re here for.

No matter the product, all the items in this range share certain characteristics. They’re all quick and simple to set up. They’re all top-quality, with the emphasis on effectiveness. They’re all VERY user-friendly. They’re a great deterrent against anyone intent on committing a crime.

That last point, that’s the most important. You see, intruders bank on being able to operate undetected. To remove that option is to force them to abandon their efforts and look elsewhere. Should the worst happen and access be gained, an effective CCTV system makes identifying the offender (not to mention recovering stolen items) a great deal easier, whilst footage can often be used in a subsequent court case.

Taking such things into account, we find it most surprising that more people aren’t taking advantage of such technology. It’s something we’re sure is going to change.

Having seen the ABUS system being demonstrated last summer at IFSEC, we’ve no doubts that this is a product that can benefit our customers and clients (it’s suitable for small businesses as well as homes). It’s a system that can be expanded, it allows for mobile access, it makes surveillance simple and with footage stored on an SD card it provides an invaluable record, should this ever be required.

Does this sound useful? Drop us a line or pop in and see us. We’d be delighted to demonstrate a product that we’re certain is going to prove popular.

CCTV is effective so please do think about using it.

Not enough people, in our opinion, are taking advantage of a significant weapon in the fight against crime.

Here at William Channon, we’re determined to do something about it.