Keeping our customers safe and secure is chief amongst our priorities here.

Yes, we’re running a business. Yes, there are bills to be paid. Yes, these are testing times for us all.

But put such things to one side for a moment and the thing that motivates us the most here is quite clear . . .

Crime prevention is our passion.

You can’t be in this business for such a long time unless you care about the cause.

It’s with this in mind that we’re so delighted to be supporting National Home Security Month – a nationwide campaign that, throughout October, will be creating a greater awareness of home security, highlighting the ways in which we can all keep our homes and families safer, and encouraging people to think about the issues involved and the steps that can be taken . . .

Simple steps that don’t necessarily require an investment to be made. The latest figures, for instance, suggest that force isn’t used in 20% of all burglaries in Britain, with an alarming number of intruders able to gain access to properties through unlocked doors and windows.

Here at William Channon, we have a favourite saying: that prevention is better than the cure. This is something that, with a little more thought and care, we can all begin to tackle.

We understand the pressures. We’re all busier than ever and with so much to juggle, such things can often be overlooked. In underlining the issues and highlighting certain risks, NHSM is going to be invaluable to us all, especially as winter begins to approach.

There’s going to be a particular focus on the darker evenings ahead because as we prepare to put the clocks back, our homes are going to be more vulnerable than ever. When daylight hours are reduced, burglaries increase, it’s as simple as that.

Considering that one home in Britain is broken into EVERY FORTY SECONDS, it’s something for us all to think about in the coming weeks.

Such figures, incidentally, are not used to cause fear, but to underline that there are issues that must be addressed if crime rates are to fall and our homes are to be more secure. The good news is that, with NHSM identifying problems and suggesting solutions, our expert team is always on hand to help.

To reduce the risks and beat the burglars. To promote crime prevention and provide peace of mind.

To keep our customers safe and secure.

It’s what we’re here for, after all.